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AEW Dynamite Results for June 26, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means!

Earlier in the day, Alex Marvez attempted to interview Sammy Guevara as he was entering the arena.

Marvez wanted to get Sammy’s thoughts ahead of his match against MJF this upcoming Wednesday on DYNAMITE. Sammy was ambushed by Shawn Spears, who walloped Sammy with a steel chair!

Tonight’s opener: “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Powerhouse Hobbs!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match. Hobbs wrestled Page without Team Taz standing ringside.

“Hobbs is a magnificent athlete. He reminds me of ‘Hacksaw’ Butch Reed, so nasty,” said Jim Ross.

Hobbs clobbered Page on the outside of the ring. Hobbs punished the right arm of Page, ramming it against the steel guardrail. Taz said this was part of the game plan—to go after Page’s right arm—since that’s the arm Page uses to perform his Buckshot Lariat.

Hobbs was looking for the Vader Bomb, but Page had it scouted. Page lifted his knees in time, countering the Vader Bomb. “Hangman” Page charged at Hobbs, but Hobbs dodged him, sending Page back to the outside. Page was sent into the ring post, and Page’s head was lacerated.

Page connected with a big boot to the face of Hobbs, followed by a second boot, and then a third consecutive boot! “Hangman” jumped over the top rope with a cross body down onto Hobbs on the arena floor. Page got a near fall on Hobbs after a moonsault press!

Hobbs created some distance and rocked Page with a clothesline. Powerhouse Hobbs body slammed Page. Hobbs tried a headbutt off the turnbuckles, but Page moved out of the way! Page followed up with a lariat! Hobbs knocked the wind out of Page with a vicious crossbody.

Hook and Ricky Starks walked out to help Hobbs. Starks was holding the FTW Title. Hobbs wanted to use the FTW Title to finish off Page. “The Machine” Brian Cage followed them out and pulled the belt away from Starks. Page hit Hobbs with a rolling elbow and then the Dead Eye for the pinfall victory!

The Young Bucks said they were going to beat Eddie Kingston and “The Bastard” PAC on DYNAMITE next Wednesday, because they’re EVPs, “Extremely Violent People!”

Lucha libre legend Konnan (mentor to Santana & Ortiz) went face-to-face with #FTR manager and legendary Horsemen member Tully Blanchard! Tony Schiavone was in the ring to facilitate the “gentlemen’s discussion” between the two.

Konnan said Proud & Powerful—Santana & Ortiz—won’t be intimidated by FTR and Tully Blanchard. “You’re a mentor to FTR, but I’m a father to Proud & Powerful,” said Konnan.

“I’ve done research on you, Konnan, but as great of a star as you were, you still don’t know me. I’ll snap my fingers and my guys will be out here. FTR will come out and end the game,” said Tully Blanchard.

“You might want to learn Spanish because one day you’re gonna have to communicate with your grandkids. Remember one thing: Proud & Powerful, we’re like scarecrows, outstanding in our field,” said Konnan, who then called out Santana and Ortiz to the ring.

Tully Blanchard pointed to the big screen, revealing that Santana & Ortiz had been attacked and laid out backstage. The men in the ring unmasked and revealed themselves to be…FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler! At the command of Tully Blanchard, FTR grabbed Konnan and nailed him with the spiked piledriver!

Matt Sydal (with Mike Sydal) vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

Before the match could begin, Vickie Guerrero walked onto the ramp and introduced Andrade El Idolo!

Vickie said she had a huge announcement to make, but Matt Sydal’s entrance music played. Vickie Guerrero was very upset that her thunder was stolen, and she was unable to make her announcement tonight.

Jim Ross pointed out that Dante is twenty years old, but Matt Sydal has twenty years of experience in pro wrestling.

Dante used the bottom rope as a springboard to dropkick Sydal. Dante tried to shift levels but ate a leg lariat from Sydal instead. Sydal blasted Dante with more leg kicks. Sydal tied up Dante and stretched him with a surfboard submission.

“Dante and Matt are engaged in a war. Sydal continues to punish the knees of Dante,” said Excalibur.

“It’s a good strategy,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Dante Martin picked up Sydal out of nowhere and pancaked him to the mat for a near fall. Dante hit a double springboard moonsault for a two-count on Sydal! The fans chanted “This is awesome!”

Dante and Matt climbed to the top turnbuckle. Matt shoved Dante down hard and followed up with the meteora off the top rope! Dante kicked out at the two-count! Dante wasted no time and shocked Matt Sydal with a flipping stunner for a near fall! Dante jumped off the top rope, but Sydal moved. Dante tweaked his knee on the landing. Sydal finished off Dante with a lightning spiral for the pin!

Christian Cage caught up with Jungle Boy earlier in the day in the locker room for a pep talk.

“Tonight feels like the biggest night of my entire life,” said Jungle Boy.

Christian Cage said Jungle Boy shocked the world once already when he won the Casino Battle Royale. He encouraged Jungle Boy to shock the world again by winning the AEW World Championship in his match against Kenny Omega tonight.

Alex Marvez was backstage with members of The Pinnacle—MJF, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow.

MJF asked why everyone was upset with him over what he did to Dean Malenko last week. “You people are throwing rocks at me when you should be thanking me, because I gave him an early retirement. You’re welcome, pal,” said MJF.

Chris Jericho and Jake Hager heard enough and started a brawl with The Pinnacle members. They fought from backstage all the way to the ring in the middle of Daily’s Place! MJF held Jericho and Wardlow clubbed Jericho with his forearms. Shawn Spears was about to smash a steel chair into Jericho’s arm when Sammy Guevara sprinted down and cleaned house on The Pinnacle!

“MJF turned tail and is running like the coward that he is,” said Excalibur.

“Guess what, bitch—on Wednesday on DYNAMITE, I’m going to show you, MJF, that I’m the best…and you know it,” said Sammy.

Earlier in the day, the TNT Champion Miro was backstage with words for Brian Pillman, Jr.

“Brian Pillman, Jr., you did not respect your champion and next Wednesday on DYNAMITE you’ll find out why I am God’s favorite champion.

“All Ego” Ethan Page (with Scorpio Sky) vs. Bear Country’s Bear Bronson (with Bear Boulder)!

Ethan Page was backed into the turnbuckles by Bear Bronson. Page fought back with a big right hand, but it only angered Bear Bronson.

“That shot may have woken up the hibernating bear,” said Jim Ross.

Page mocked Bear Bronson by growling at him, but Bronson powerslammed him. Bear Bronson slammed Ethan Page’s head into the turnbuckles. Bear Bronson jumped through the ropes at Page, but Scorpio Sky pushed Page out of the way and took the brunt of Bear Bronson’s brutal blast! Ethan Page and Bear Boulder got into each other’s faces, and while ref Bryce Remsburg tried to restore order, Ethan Page hit Bear Bronson with some cheap shots.

Bear Bronson backdropped Ethan Page, and then splashed him in the corner turnbuckles. Bronson clubbed Page with lariats. Bronson sat out with a senton, but Page moved out of the way.

Ethan Page attempted the Ego’s Edge, but Bronson powered out of it. Bronson climbed up to the top turnbuckle but Ethan Page superplexed him to the mat for a near fall! Bronson actually followed up with a sidewalk slam and then climbed up the turnbuckles. Scorpio Sky distracted Bronson (and the ref) while Ethan Page hit a low blow on Bronson! Ethan Page took the opportunity to plant Bronson with the Ego’s Edge, and then pinned Bronson!

Ethan Page grabbed a microphone after the match: “I’m not stupid. Darby Allin, you’re not done with me. Pinning you is not enough for me. Darby, I’ve been saying week after week after week, I’m going to be the nail in your coffin. I’m going to be the nail in your coffin! So why don’t I just put you in one?! July 7th, Miami, ROAD RAGER, Darby Allin, I challenge you to a Coffin Match!”

“Business just picked up,” said Jim Ross.

Ahead of their upcoming tag team match scheduled for next Wednesday, we heard from Dr. Britt Baker (and Rebel) and Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose.

Dr. Britt Baker said after she and Rebel beat Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero in their tag match, she’d send them home with an autographed prescription for the pain.

“Britt and Reba, our tag team match is just to solidify that Nyla Rose is the #1 contender for your title,” said Vickie Guerrero.

“The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander (with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy) vs. The Bunny (with The Blade)!

The Bunny tripped up Kris Statlander and then walked across her back. She slapped Kris in the face, but Kris returned fire with a big-time kick! Statlander showed off her power with a body slam on The Bunny. Statlander did a handstand on the top turnbuckle and The Bunny made her pay for that mental lapse with a kick to the face!

The Bunny clotheslined Kris Statlander over the top rope, sending Statlander down to the floor. Statlander connected with a powerslam on The Bunny on the arena floor! Statlander planted The Bunny back in the ring for a near fall. Statlander sat out with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count on The Bunny. Statlander tried to climb up the turnbuckles, but The Bunny chased her up there and dropped her with a German suplex! The Blade slipped brass knuckles to The Bunny, but Orange Cassidy pulled them away from her and put them in his pockets. Kris Statlander rocked The Bunny with the Big Bang Theory and then pinned her!

TH2 ran down to the ring and attacked Orange Cassidy. Jack Evans and Angelico held onto “Freshly Squeezed” as The Blade KO’ed him with the brass knuckles!

It was time for our main event!

An AEW World Title Match!

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega (with Don Callis and The Good Brothers) vs. Jungle Boy (with Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt)!

“Based on the championship that Kenny Omega holds, he is the best in the world,” said Jim Ross.

“Kenny Omega has the biggest prize in our sport: the AEW World Championship,” added Excalibur.

Ref Paul Turner ejected Marko Stunt, then Luchasaurus, and then The Good Brothers from the match. Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Omega used his power to back Jungle Boy into the turnbuckles. Omega applied a wristlock on Jungle Boy and then paint brushed Jungle Boy’s head. Jungle Boy reversed it with a wristlock of his own. Omega pulled him down by the hair. Omega chopped away at Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy turned the tables and hit Omega with smashing chops to the chest!

Jungle Boy sent Omega to the outside with a tremendous dropkick! Omega pulled Jungle Boy outside and then whipped him into the guardrail. Jungle Boy’s family watched from the front row.

Jungle Boy kicked Omega in the stomach. Omega lifted Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy countered with an inside cradle for a near fall. Jungle Boy impaled Omega with his own brain buster for a two-count on the champ!

Jungle Boy dropkicked Omega’s knee. Omega tried for a snapdragon suplex, but Jungle Boy countered with a back elbow. Then Jungle Boy waffled Omega with an elbow suicida, followed by a tope suicida! Jungle Boy crashed down onto Omega with a tope con hiro! Jungle Boy climbed to the top rope, but Omega stopped him in his tracks with forearms. They jockeyed for position on the middle rope. Omega superplexed Jungle Boy from the top rope for a near fall!

Jungle Boy avoided the V-Trigger and then hit Omega with a thrust kick! Kenny Omega fired back with a V-Trigger! He lifted Jungle Boy for the One-Winged Angel, but Jungle Boy countered with a reverse hurracanrana!

Jungle Boy applied a waist lock, looking for a rip cord. Omega countered with a V-Trigger and then a powerbomb for a near fall! Jungle Boy countered a V-Trigger with the Snare Trap! The Good Brothers ran down the ramp but Jurassic Express and Frankie Kazarian stopped them from interfering, brawling back to the locker room!

Omega was able to reach the ropes and ref Paul Turner broke up the Snare Trap submission. Kenny Omega connected with a V-Trigger. He tried for the One-Winged Angel again, but Jungle Boy slipped out and applied the Snare Trap. Omega gouged Jungle Boy’s eyes to break the hold. Omega rocked Jungle Boy with a Tiger Driver and then the One-Winged Angel to pin Jungle Boy!

“Kenny Omega is the god of pro wrestling as I’ve said many times,” yelled Don Callis.

Kenny Omega lifted the world championship and was about to continue his attack on Jungle Boy after the match, but Christian Cage ran down to stop Omega. Matt Hardy and Private Party joined the fray, with Hardy knocking Christian Cage into next week with the Twist of Fate! The Young Bucks helped Kenny Omega celebrate his victory as DYNAMITE went off the air.

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday, June 30th, for another action-packed episode of DYNAMITE, live on TNT!


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